Paralyzed Veterans of America-Michigan Chapter
Daily living and Mobility

Outdoor Activities

Sports Fitness Dance

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The mission of Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America (MPVA) is to enhance the lives of veterans with spinal cord injury or disease as well as all citizens with disabilities, by advocating for civil rights, assuring quality health care, supporting continued research and education, and encouraging independence and healthy living through various health, sports and recreational programs. MPVA shall continue striving to remain at the forefront of both veterans' benefits services and disability rights, while working toward a better quality of life for all American citizens.

Life is beautiful and the power of people is unstoppable!

Andreea Lichi

Accomplishing my dreams with cp

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi