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Cheating Death

My name is Abdul Nevarez and I was Journeyman Sheet Metal Worker in San Francisco with a passion for golfing and 2 wheels. I was living life to the fullest with my wife and two beautiful kids when my life was changed in an instant on October 22, 2012. I was less than a mile from my home on my Harley Davidson motorcycle, when I was struck by a vehicle that never stopped, causing me to lose control and crash into a pedestrian pole where my body became entangled with the pole and my right leg was behind my head. Doctors did not think that I would live through the night due to the massive amounts of blood that I was losing from a torn iliac vein and multiple traumatic injuries. I had too much to live for and by the grace of God, I cheated death and was given a second chance to live but I was left with multiple life changing injuries. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks, 10 days in ICU. My right leg was amputated above the knee leaving me a very short residual limb. I was left with nerve damage to my left leg with no feeling below my knee, drop foot as well as a Brachial Plexus Injury causing nerve damage to my left arm.

Finding the Right Prosthetist

For an amputee, it can be very hard to find a great prosthetist. I was in the hands of some unethical and incompetent prosthetists. 2 out of 6 prosthetists committed fraud on me and my insurance. Not only was I battling my injuries to get better, but I was battling these 2 unethical prosthetists for my life and insurance benefits they took from me. After 6 prosthetists in 1 ½ years, I was blessed to find an honest,caring and very knowledgeable prosthetist.

The AMPLIFE & Amputee Life® Clothing

My wife and I created Amputee Life® Clothing to inspire Amputees and those with Adaptive Abilities. Amputee Life® Clothing offers unique, inspiring, high quality apparel representing The AMPLIFE. It is such an honor to see people all over the world rockin Amputee Life® Clothing. We are so stoked to have living legend, Snoop Dogg supporting and rockin Amputee Life® Clothing. We are proud to donate 10% of every purchase directly to 50Legs, a wonderful non-profit organization , that helps amputees obtain prosthetics they can not otherwise afford. Because of the awesome support that we have received, we have been able to pay it forward and help give amputees their lives back and the gift of walking again. Together we can make a difference.

Nothing Stops Me

All of these injuries will not stop me from living and loving my AMPLIFE. I try to keep a positive mind and stay physically strong. Although every day is a struggle, I get up and fight. Throughout my journey, I have really enjoyed working out to push myself and be better than I was yesterday. I have to adapt with lots of workouts because of how weak my left arm, and left leg are. My left leg has drop foot, no calf muscles, no hamstrings or butt muscles.

You are in charge of your destiny

A big part of my journey includes my love for golf which has been great for my recovery both physically and mentally. I am able to golf again thanks to the ParaGolfer which allows me to Stand Up and Play Again. Due to my nerve damaged left arm, I golf with my right arm only. I had to relearn my swing, which I can’t complain because it just means I get to go out to the golf course, practice, adapt and get my golf game better. The ParaGolfer is a life changing Adaptive Golf Cart and with it, I was able to compete at the World Disabled Golf Championship at Pumpkin Ridge in Oregon this past August. I’m looking forward to competing in more golf tournaments and improving my golf game. It may take some adapting but do what you love and push yourself daily. You are in charge of your destiny. Never give up the fight. Never surrender. Yoocandoanything!!!!

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Founder of Amputee Life® Clothing. Adaptive-One Arm Golfer, RAKA Amputee with Nerve Damage on Left Arm & Left Leg.





Abdul Nevarez

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My name is Abdul Nevarez and I was Journeyman Sheet Metal Worker in San Francisco with a passion for golfing and 2 wheels. I was living life