What yoocan Means to Me
I first heard about yoocanfind.com when I saw a post on Instagram, and I’ve been hooked ever since! I was so amazed and impressed by all of the individuals with disabilities being featured so prominently and discussing their disabilities with such honesty, grace and kindness, that I made sure I never missed a post. I love yoocanfind.com’s community and global perspective.
My Site: soimlegallyblind.com
The stories they feature on their website and Instagram page of individuals of all ages, their families, and their stories have had such an impact on me personally. You see, I, too, have a site called soimlegallyblind.com and I’ve wanted to reach, educate and support as many people, friends and families who have a visual impairment as I can share my personal story. Therefore, I was so excited when I received an email from Jessica, a staff member, who invited me to be a part of the site and share my story.
How yoocan Effects Me
For me, yoocan personifies the meaning of community. When I was a child, there wasn’t a mechanism like social media to share your story. I rarely heard about anyone with a disability, unless we met someone in the doctor’s office, and as I was the only individual with a disability in my private school, I was never able to meet anyone like myself. However, as I grew up and attended public school, and college, there were more students like myself. Honestly, it was refreshing to see and meet with people just like me. And that’s how I feel about social media in general, that wonderful sites like yoocan allow me to be part of a community amongst people like myself.
The Importance of yoocan
I don’t feel it myself, but there still can be a stigma for some individuals with a disability, and the global reach that yoocan has allowed people with disabilities to connect, engage and communicate with each other. That’s why yoocan is such an important site, because it supports, engages, and educates all individuals who are in some way affiliated with the site. It allows anyone to immediately communicate, post and share their personal journey with others similar to themselves. One doesn’t have to have my disability to understand my challenges, because when you have a disability, you already understand the daily challenges. Disability can unite many people, because we all navigate in the world of disability. That’s why yoocan resonates with me so personally. It allows individuals to be themselves, to share their story, to provide valuable insight to others going through what they may be going through. It is a good friend waiting for you to just reach out, click on their account and be ready to enjoy, laugh, cry and get inspired.