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It also doesn't hurt that my Box Wheelchair is basically a BMX bike on steroids

I was born with Cerebral Palsy, and the one and only thing I have ever truly wanted in life was to get where I wanted to go. To participate in life, instead of watching it from the sidelines. I started using a wheelchair at 27 years old, and while I'm now able to go wherever I want (barring some accessibility issues) I've discovered that life is even more amazing and experiences are richer than I had ever imagined. It also doesn't hurt that my Box Wheelchair is basically a BMX bike on steroids. With wheels underneath me I'm able to do crazy things in the skatepark, but to me even going to the grocery store is just as thrilling as a backflip!

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I was born with Cerebral Palsy, and the one and only thing I have ever truly wanted in life was to get where I wanted to go. To participate
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