About Us
It is important for us to share with you our story. Yoocanfind.com is a story of Erez. He is our inspiration and reason for the creation of this site.
See below for more about us.
We believe that shared experiences and knowledge from around the world can inspire people with disabilities and change their lives, so no one feels alone.
With thousands of yoocan community members making daily connections, finding new friendships and relevant solutions, we are the world’s #1 collaborative community for sharing experiences and knowledge for and by people with disabilities.
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In July 2008, my nephew Erez was born with a rare disease and complex cognitive and physical disabilities. This was the beginning of an emotionally challenging journey for our family. It brought us together in many ways, but it was hard as we needed to adjust to a new way of living. Like Erez, there are over 1 billion people in the world living with some kind of cognitive or physical disability, striving to live a better, inclusive life, and fulfill their dreams. There are solutions and opportunities around the world that can help, so no one feels alone in their search for relevant advice and a more inclusive life. That is why we created yoocan!
We invite you to register for free and share your experience and knowledge and take part in our global collaborative community.
I would love to hear from you with any questions, ideas or even just to say hi!