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Life with Four Wheels

I'M Vanessa

Hello everybody! I’m Vanessa and I am from Italy. I’m very fond of my four wheels: I see them as a dependency. My handicap comes from a human mistake during my birth. I am a twin and there was not enough oxygen for my brain. This created a motoric handicap that forces me to see the world from the bottom of my four wheels. However, I always felt lucky because I had the chance to live. I have a head, a heart and a soul... and four wheels to walk. I thought I had to share my luck and pass on my positive message. Along with my sister, I decided to create an Instagram page (@4routex4gambe) to show everyone that diversity is actually wealth. We thought it might be a great way to slap the hypocrisy and prejudices. We want to demonstrate, in our own way, that with your heart and love you can surpass every stupid barrier. What matters if two people walk differently when their hearts beat together? Everything blends together: legs become wheels and leg wheels (the name of our page means letterally "4 wheels for 4 legs").

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Dependent on my 4 wheels and proud :)





Vanessa Caponi

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Life with Four Wheels

Hello everybody! I’m Vanessa and I am from Italy. I’m very fond of my four wheels: I see them as a dependency. My handicap comes from a huma
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