American Spinal Injury Association
Daily living and Mobility

Learning and Education

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The mission of the American Spinal Injury Association is: (a) to promote and establish standards of excellence for all aspects of health care of individuals with spinal cord injury from onset throughout life. (b) to educate members, other healthcare professionals, patients and their families as well as the public on all aspects of spinal cord injury and its consequences in order to prevent injury, improve care, increase availability of services and maximize the injured individual's potential for full participation in all areas of community life. (c) to foster research which aims at preventing spinal cord injury, improving care, reducing consequent disability, and finding a cure for both acute and chronic SCI. (d) to facilitate communication between members and other physicians, allied health care professionals, researchers and consumers.

Life is beautiful and the power of people is unstoppable!

Andreea Lichi

Accomplishing my dreams with cp

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi