The Miracle League of Las Vegas
Please visit our website (www.miracleleaguelasvegas.com) to register, or to volunteer!
Daily living and Mobility

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The mission of the Miracle League of Las Vegas is to provide children and adults with cognitive and/or physical challenges in the greater Las Vegas community the opportunity to play baseball in a safe and nurturing environment. The League gives players a sense of team pride and inclusion, while helping to develop improved dexterity, mobility, and verbal and social skills. And, the Miracle League model of involving community youth as volunteers at an early age helps promote community service values and a lifetime spirit of "giving back". After all, everyone deserves a chance to play baseball!

Life is beautiful and the power of people is unstoppable!

Andreea Lichi

Accomplishing my dreams with cp

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi

Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?

Andreea Lichi