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A New Life

My Story

My name is Alyssa and I'm 22 years old. In 2008, I was in a car accident that caused me to become a quadriplegic. I broke my neck in three different places. (C5 C6 C7) Doctors told my parents I would never move anything from the neck down. I had the option of excepting what the doctors had said or prove them wrong. At the beginning it was hands-down the hardest thing I was ever faced with. It was especially tough since I had to start high school in a wheelchair. With the support of my family and friends I was able to feel normal and beautiful even though I had permanent wheels attached to my side. By accepting this new life, I was able to experience all the normal things a typical teenage girl should experience. My recovery kept defying the odds. They all wanted to know my story. All I can say is that it's still being written.

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A New Life

My name is Alyssa and I'm 22 years old. In 2008, I was in a car accident that caused me to become a quadriplegic. I broke my neck in three d
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