amniotic band syndrome
I was born with a rare condition called amniotic band syndrome. It affects my hands, feet, and right arm. As a little girl, I prayed the same prayer every night. I asked God to heal my scarred hands while I slept. I believed wholeheartedly that He had the power to do it. Every morning as my eyes opened, hope danced in my heart. I thought today will be the day that my life changes. Only it didn’t. Every morning as I went through my routine of jerking my hands from underneath the cover— expecting the big voila moment— the only thing I received was more disappointment. I couldn’t understand why God ignored my prayer.
I hid in the shadows of life
Growing up, I hid in the shadows of life. It was easier for me to hide than to see the shock and pity in the eyes of others. I often cried myself to sleep each night because of the what ifs running through my mind. I feared that I’d never get a job, be able to drive, have children, or find anyone to see beyond my imperfections and really love me. During my teenage years, I became very depressed and even contemplated suicide.
The day everything I believed about my condition changed
Then one day, everything that I believed about my condition changed. The day I realized that I could have died changed my life. Most babies with amniotic band syndrome die before they are born. God spared me. The realization that I escaped death filled my soul.
At that moment, I decided to start living instead of merely existing. As I was going through each obstacle I wrote about it. With each victory, I became stronger and more determined to take my newfound knowledge and share it with others.
my life now with Amniotic Band Syndrome
Now I have five published books about how to develop the mindset of an overcomer. Every time I sit down to write, I remember the young woman who was so afraid of the future. I write to her. Doing so helps me to reach those who feel broken and hopeless. Every day I open my heart and write about my challenges and how God blesses me to overcome them.
Every day I live inspired
Since the release of my books, I have traveled the nation and made over 125 school visits in eleven different counties. My Zippy books have been translated into several different languages. Every time I share my story, I remember the little girl who prayed for God to heal her. My healing wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but God’s plan for me and my life was greater than anything that I could have ever imagined. God didn't heal me physically, but He did heal me emotionally and spiritually. He has taught me how to develop the mindset of an overcomer and live my beautiful life—despite my circumstances. My body is scarred, but there is nothing wrong with my soul.
Nothing is missing in my life. I have a wonderful husband, children, and a career that I adore.