Aaron G, a warrior of life
Aaron has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and epilepsy after a cardiorespiratory failure when he was 2,5 old. (13 minutes). He was 21 days in the ICU and there He had 3 Big operations in order to save his life. We spent 49 more days at the hospital and then we could come home. Now, he is 5 years old and he keeps fighting against multiple diagnoses because he has several brain damages; he has been in therapy for almost four years but he is still like a baby. He doesn't have head control, can't see, listen, talk, crawl, sit down, walk, neither eat with his mouth nor do anything by himself. We, work hard every day with @yoaarongabriel in so many techniques in order to give him a better quality of life. Especially we love him with all our hearts.