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Ability Not Disability

Dream Big

This is Ryan and he’s 15. He was born with two genetic diseases called Congenital Melanocytic Naevus (CMN) and Neurocutaneous melanosis (NCM) and because of this, he has Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and learning disabilities. He was told as a youngster that he wouldn’t achieve much in life as he really struggles academically. He feels sad that he struggles at school and worries what he will do when he is older. He goes to a special needs school and also has to cope on a daily basis with issues that CMN/NCM bring. Ryan loves swimming & he’s very good! He's so good that he’s currently ranked top 10 in Britain as the youngest para-swimmer. He loves swimming and trains hard. He’s overcome so much in life, he just gets on with it and it’s really good for him to stay healthy. He loves showing people that the underdog always has his/her day. Dream big and don’t let barriers get in the way!

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