Yesterday is history/today is a gift/tomorrow is mystery
Hey, my Name is Till and I am 39 years old. My accident was 10 years ago. I fell 4 meters from a roof at work and broke my back. At that moment, I had to live with an incomplete spinal cord injury. The first 2 years was very horrible for me, with a lot of questions as to why such a thing happened to me.
My active life playing soccer, tennis and skiing with my friends was over. Then, I began to fight and became more and more active. I started my first steps with little movement in my legs. Over time I am getting stronger and I can move in greater distances.
After 6 years, I am so proud of my long and hard way back. Now I am so happy with myself, and I began to drive, sit ski and I go skiing with my friends just like before my accident. Also, I work for the Wings for Life and the Wings for Life World Run to raise money for the foundation to heal spinal cord injuries.