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Always Stay Positive: Ms. Wheelchair Kentucky

1. If you could invent a tool or gadget for individuals with disabilities, what would it be and why?

It would be to allow me to get luggage from one place to another a lot easier such as attaching it to the back of my wheelchair. They make one of these at a high cost. I would like to invent one at a lower cost.

2. What advice would you have for youth with disabilities?

Remember to always stay positive. Never give up. Ask for help when needed. If you are able to do something for yourself such as dressing, bathing, or cleaning up your mess… do it!

3. If you had one wish what would it be?

My wish would be to help make the world a better educated place for people with disabilities.

4. What do you want your legacy to be?

I want my legacy to be that I lived life to the fullest and show others how proud I am to have my disability.

5. Who has been your biggest advocate or mentor? What things have they helped you with?

My dad. He has always taught me to move forward, speak up for myself, and to say something about things that need to be changed such as bathrooms, ramps, doors, parking, and spaces in between displays at stores.

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Always Stay Positive: Ms. Wheelchair Kentucky

It would be to allow me to get luggage from one place to another a lot easier such as attaching it to the back of my wheelchair. They make o
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