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An Indoor orientation solution for the visually impaired

Right-Hear is an advanced accessibility solution that allows people who are blind or visually impaired to acquire better orientation in public spaces (mostly indoor).

RightHear is a popular and innovative solution that has turned over 400 venues into accessible zones in Israel alone. This includes market leaders such as Weizmann Institute of science and Azrieli Group (valued at $2.5B) and many more.

With RightHear's free app on iOS and Android, over 1500 Accessible Spots installed worldwide, and an ever-growing user base, their vision of making the world more accessible for people who are blind or visually impaired is becoming a reality every day.

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An Indoor orientation solution for the visually impaired

RightHear is a popular and innovative solution that has turned over 400 venues into accessible zones in Israel alone. This includes market l
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