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Childhood Cancer To The Golf Course

Hi, my name is Chris Carberry.

Hi, my name is Chris and I'm 21 years old. I'm from a city called Liverpool in England. My story started when I was 19 years old. I was always an avid golfer since I was about 11 years old.


My diagnossis came when I stepped off a curb and broke my leg - I know, strange right? After many tests and a few days in hospital I was diagnosed with a tumor in my left femur (thigh bone) . A week later I had a surgical biopsy and the doctors confirmed it was indeed bone cancer. This was a massive low point in my life and one that no 19 year old should have to go through!

Treatment & Surgery

I had chenotherapy for my cancer to stop the cancer from spreading. By the time I'd had 10 weeks of ruthless treatment, I had to make a decision on surgery. I wanted to have limb salvage surgery but there was too much of a risk involved so I opted for my leg to be amputated. Ultimately, it came down to losing my leg or choosing life, and I chose my life. I finished the rest of my treatment in January 2017 in what was over 14 months worth of treatment.

Moving On

Now 3 months into remission, I've started my comeback into golf. 🏌🏌 Further to that my plan is to go on to raise money for children cancer charities that have supported me throughout my cancer journey. I hope to inspire others to do the same and to show people that there IS life after amputation! 🏃 Ive now set up a cancer blog to help share my story.

My Facebook page is: @TheNextStepForChris

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Chris Carberry

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Childhood Cancer To The Golf Course

Hi, my name is Chris and I'm 21 years old. I'm from a city called Liverpool in England. My story started when I was 19 years old. I was alwa