There's no such thing as "Can't"
Christian was stillborn and it took 23 minutes of resuscitation to start his heart. He took his first breath at 24 minutes old. Due to the lack of oxygen for this prolonged time, he suffered a brain injury which caused severe brain damage. His brain was cooled and he was placed on a ventilator to try and save his life, He was given less than 1% chance of coming out of the coma but defied all the odds and miraculously pulled through. As a result of the brain damage, he has since been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and is registered severely sight impaired. Those early months we were told lots of things he would struggle to achieve and lots of things he wouldn’t be able to do at all. We made a promise to Christian back then that we would push all those “can'ts” aside and focus on what he could do and encourage and push his development forward in every way we could.
Christian excels at everything he does
We did lots of research and joined some support groups where we met other families. We took Christian to hydrotherapy, conductive education, sure start centers, signing classes, singing classes, dancing and drama and he plays for a cerebral palsy football team. He has recently been accepted into an amazing model and acting agency for children and adults with disabilities or differences called Zebedee Management. We couldn’t be prouder of him :) He has amazed us with his progress and his positive attitude and determination. Although his development is delayed he can now say a few words, sign many more words, stand holding on and walk with a frame amongst other things. These are all milestones we didn’t know if he would reach and he’s already there at just 3 years old. He is the most sociable and affectionate little boy with the biggest smile, he has a real cheeky character and brings sunshine and joy into each day we spend together.