Today I'm stronger then they said was possible and I get better every day!
Hi, I am Kaitlin. On July 18th, of 2015 my life changed forever when I was involved in a horrific car accident. I was told if I wake up I'll be lucky to breath on my own. It's been a year since, and I am in a manual chair, I have full control of everything from the waist up besides a few fingers on my right hand. I am super lucky to say the least- don't listen to "statistics" every one is different. You can accomplish anything you set your mind too. I had 40 staples down my back and 10 stitches on the front of my neck. They placed a cage inside my neck for life. I went through depression, anxiety, the whole 9 yards... But today I'm stronger then they said was possible and I get better every day!