Loving embodiment with many wellness tools
I enjoy riding an adult trike, ecstatic dance, writing daily, and making visual art. My diagnoses include schizoaffective disorder and anxiety, and I'm a lifelong hearer of voices. I stay as grounded as I can by feeling my feelings, and I love embodiment with physical movements like qigong, yoga, and dance. Mental health is something I take seriously by having many tools in my toolbox, not relying on one or two healing modalities for my well-being. As a person with psychiatric diagnoses and a larger body, I can feel dismissed by doctors and other medical providers. Disability justice is one of my favorite things to write about. I love how building community and caring for myself and others can help me feel strong. Maintaining my personal power is central to my well-being, not handing over power to anyone else. I feel glad I've found many ways of being myself and doing the work I'm on earth to do. I'm on earth to learn, speak my truth, feel pleasure and connect to others with love. Please see my journey at https://www.listeningtothenoiseuntilitmakessense.com or @xtrikeslutsx