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From A Dream To Reality

I graduated university as a person with special needs. Who would have thought that everything I've been dreaming of, had finally come to life through my hard works.

I am Roldan Pagaduan, from the Philippines. I was 18 when I started using a wheelchair. I was currently on my 2nd year in the university then. Since I was a kid, I already had this condition where the muscles in my legs are weak. Growing up, I always felt different from the people around me. I often felt discriminated against, but that didn't stop me from pursuing my dreams. I didn't consider my condition as a fall back. Instead, I took it as a driving force for me to strive harder. I didn't listen to those people who kept on doubting me. Because, I have my dreams with me. Besides, there are also a lot of people who believed in me, and still believe in me. I have already envisioned this when I was a kid. That someday, all of my dreams will just lay down in their perfect places. It indeed happened. I worked very hard, because I didn't want to disappoint my younger self. At the age of 20, I finished university with a bachelor degree in elementary education. I know that this is my destiny. I am His instrument to inspire more people. I am currently pursuing the career that I have chosen. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I can finally call myself a professional licensed teacher.

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Be original. Embrace your uniqueness. BE YOURSELF! 21 | Licensed Professional Teacher | The Guy In Wheelchair | Philippines.





Roldan Pagaduan

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From A Dream To Reality

I am Roldan Pagaduan, from the Philippines. I was 18 when I started using a wheelchair. I was currently on my 2nd year in the university the