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Hi, i'm Andrea!

Two prothesis? I can handle them!

Hi, I'm Andrea and I'm a 9-year-old boy. I was born with a rare condition called Fibular Hemimelia.

After many surgeries, I had two amputations and now I wear 2 prosthesis that gives me the ability to have the ability to do everything.

I like sports and I practice horseback riding, it makes me feel good and free. I also got my first medal in a small competition with other kids.

I have a Facebook and an Instagram page where I talk about myself and share stories and content about disability and about how life is beautiful.

If you want to support me and help me have some sports prosthesis, here is my GoFoundMe:

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I’m an amputee kid, i like horses and videogames. @andrea_roccamo_amputee.



Andrea Roccamo

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Hi, i'm Andrea!

Andrea Roccamo

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Hi, i'm Andrea!

Hi, I'm Andrea and I'm a 9-year-old boy. I was born with a rare condition called Fibular Hemimelia. After many surgeries, I had two amputati