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Hot Wheels is here: Learning to accept me

I have to accept me for who am I

Hey, everyone! Well, it's been an eventful few years but this past week has been the most challenging. After 7 years of marriage, the divorce is happening. The most difficult part is I feel like I'm fighting for independence yet again. When I was in a car accident in 2006 at the age of 16, I thought life was doomed. But I knew I wanted to prove everyone wrong and fought to be as independent as possible. As a c6/7 Quadriplegic, I was told I would need constant help and I refused to believe that. Now, 13 years later - I'm fully independent but relied on my ex-husband for love and acceptance. I have to accept me for who am I and improve daily. I need to learn to drive and remember what it feels like to come home to an empty house. I want to prove to myself that I'm worthy of happiness. I always strived to make everyone else happy but now it's my turn.

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