I'm 32 and I've never been one to "see" my disability. I was born with Arthrogryposis. It affects both arms and legs. I learned early to accept my limitations. But these limits don't stop me. I'm not afraid to invite others into my story because I know I need people. A fact that doesn't bother me. It's simply part of my normal. I write, blog, and tell my story to build awareness, encourage understanding, and show I am normal. I love the way God made me. Yes, there are things I wish I could do, but I still wouldn't erase my disability. Without it, my story wouldn't be my story. I'm excited to keep watching this one unfold. God has given me an amazing community of family and friends. I'm thankful for how they constantly help me and for the chance to do life together...one day, one story at a time.
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Author of "Beyond: limits. longings. love. loss." Thriving beyond limits is possible. http://lauracrobb.com.

Laura Robb
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