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I can love and be happy

I do not have a disability, but a limitation

Hello, my name is Francisco I was born in Mexico & I am 24 years old. On May 16, 2016 a bullet changed my life forever. In an attempt of assault, I suffereded a bullet wound which was lodged in the side of my spinal cord. Now I live with a spinal cord injury T-3. I am desperate, sad, and unwilling to leave my wife and little ones who have motivated me to overcome this.

I do not have a disability, but a limitation. The proof is that I can love and be happy. I can be a father, brother, son, passionate about airplanes, and I know that the limit is not the sky. That simply does not exist when the love of your family and desire to move ahead are possible.

Thank you for your interest in knowing my story. I hope it is to your liking and serves to motivate thousands of people to know that they too can live a normal life. Greetings from Mexico!

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