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In the Footsteps of Pauli

I am a fighting girl with cerebral palsy. I have wonderful parents and I am now an older sister. I have daily therapies and took anticonvulsant medications.

Hello! My name is Ana Paula and I have dyskinetic cerebral palsy. At 4 months I was detected when I could not hold my head up alone. From that moment I do all kinds of therapies to maintain the quality of life of a child without disabilities. I have difficulty swallowing, I am not walking yet but the process is slow and I know I have a long way to go. My parents did not allow themselves to be defeated and there was no time for sadness. I go to school with children my age, with and without conditions. I play ball from my wheelchair and I really like to dance. I am a happy, smiling girl.

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In the Footsteps of Pauli

Hello! My name is Ana Paula and I have dyskinetic cerebral palsy. At 4 months I was detected when I could not hold my head up alone. From th
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