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Journey with the Fosters: an Inter-abled Couple

Our Story🤍

Hello! Connor and Lindsay here 👋🏼. We are high school sweethearts and got married in November 2021. (Woo newlyweds!) We have been together for 7 1/2 years in total. He is the kindest, sweet person you will ever meet, and that is definitely why I fell in love with him! And he keeps me laughing 24/7 lol. Connor and I are both from Texas and went to school at the University of Arkansas. Woo pig! In June 2020, Connor had a diving accident in a friend’s pool. This resulted in a C5/C6 injury which left him as a quadriplegic. He is paralyzed from the chest down. Although this was definitely a life-changing event, we both made the best of the situation and live life to the fullest! We just created a page on Instagram and YouTube called @journeywiththefosters to share our journey if you would like to follow along!❤️

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Connor and Lindsay

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Journey with the Fosters: an Inter-abled Couple

Hello! Connor and Lindsay here 👋🏼. We are high school sweethearts and got married in November 2021. (Woo newlyweds!) We have been together
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