La vida
Hi, My name is Marcos Rosas, I'm 25 years old, and I'm from Argentina. On July 29, 2012 (Mom's birthday) we hit the road, we were six people, two of whom remained alive. My grandmother and uncle died, and the driver, my godfather and I lived.
I was in a coma for almost two months, and did not know how my life was going to be. I remember that I had cables everywhere. I felt the probe of needles six times, and the last time my hands hurt so much!!
I ALWAYS said that I lost my family, and that the leg was something minimal. That hurts me a lot, so I try to simplify everything and forget about the accident. Nowadays I am playing basketball in a wheelchair, I have work, and I lead my life in the best way. I have a family of iron and some friends that are worth gold !!