Cp for the win
Although I have lived with Cerebral Palsy my whole life, I've never talked about it until about 2 years ago. I actually loved "trying" to hide it. I used to be so ashamed, embarrassed and self conscious about looking different, getting my words mixed up, and just seeming less than "normal people". Most didn't even know I had CP until Crossfit. Because let's be real, Crossfit=vulnerability, and that's the beauty of It. Crossfit has done so much more for me than just give me abs and biceps. It has helped me appreciate struggles in life, helped me celebrate small victories in and out of the gym, helped me understand self worth and honestly taught me to love others deeper. Those are the reasons why I'm "really into Crossfit" as some people say, oh also because I get to eat all the tacos!! Crossfit has made me thankful that for some reason, that God gave me Cerebral Palsy. Without it I would be so basic (gross), never know so many incredible people, and wouldn't get to see life differently. CP is so much more than a physical limitation. Yes, I hurt constantly, I have to stretch a ton, go to chiropractor often and I absolutely look ridiculous sometimes trying to do certain things, (haha box jumps, snatches and even getting dressed 😳) but it's so much more than that. I fight doubt a lot. I fight self image a lot, and I fight ability a lot. So yes, I'm really into Crossfit, because other than Jesus, it's the one thing in my life, that has changed everything! And I'm forever grateful for those that have invested little and much to move me forward. My real family, my I am adaptive family and my Crossfit Crash people. All you guys don't even know my gratitude. I will always keep pushing my body, and keep strengthening my mind and use my CP ABILITIES, to help others believe in themselves more!