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Living an unlimbited life!

I believe that you really can do anything, it just takes some hard work to make things happen.

Hi, I am Nia. It's kind of hard to put your life into words. I've never been the kind of person to know what to say or the right thing to say but first off I was born without the lower part of my right hand. I was born in the Anhui province of China and was adopted in 2004. I grew up trying to make the best of things but it was difficult. I was bullied throughout elementary and middle school. I wasn't usually physically bullied but more on the emotional side. I tried rolling the cruel comments off my back but it hurt when people said that my arm was ugly or that I couldn't do anything. I have some mild depression and lots of anxiety so I'm not sure how I feel about life. I try to do everything everyone else can do. When I made it into high school I made it on the Varsity cheer team which was astonishing. I had the best coach anyone could ask for. She made me believe in myself and helped me better myself into the person I am today. I started feeling more confident in myself and the way I looked. I went into cheerleading for the next two years which is now current. I used to wear a jacket everyday to cover my arm but now I try to keep the jacket off unless I'm really cold. I made my Instagram account based on inspiring others and getting to know other people like me or just talking to anyone who needs it. I am excited to see how many people I can help or inspire. I'm just here to have a good time. I believe that you really can do anything, it just takes some hard work to make things happen.

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Living an unlimbited life!

Hi, I am Nia. It's kind of hard to put your life into words. I've never been the kind of person to know what to say or the right thing to sa
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