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Living life to the fullest!

Hi, my name is Izabela, @Izabela.dorn on Instagram. ☀ I have lymph girdle muscular dystrophy (type LGMD2A) and have been using a wheelchair for the past four years. I think it's important to acknowledge that for some disabled people - including myself - being disabled can be challenging both physically and mentally. However, that doesn't mean I'm an unhappy person. On the contrary- I love my life and live it to the fullest. For me, being disabled isn't black and white: ✨ I don't love my disability, but I lead a life full of love for my family, friends, myself, and life itself!! ✨ I'm not 'just' my disability, but it is part of me that I don't want people to pretend doesn't exist (aka "I don't even see your disability" comments unwelcome). ✨ I'm not some able-bodied person's inspiration, but I do face challenges in my life bravely and hope it can help and encourage others to do so too. With my Instagram account, I try to be the person 14-year-old Izabela would have wanted in her life when she felt lonely, weird, and isolated because she didn't know one single person who was disabled as well (either in real life or in the media). I want to help other disabled people feel they belong, that they are not alone, and that they are enough just the way they are - because I often didn't when I was younger. If I can educate able-bodied people and advocate for disabled rights along the way, I'd be even happier!

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Izabela Dorn

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Living life to the fullest!

Hi, my name is Izabela, @Izabela.dorn on instagram. ☀ I have lymph girdle muscular dystrophy (type LGMD2A) and have been using a wheelchair
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