"One should not wish for an easy life but courage to endure tough one"
I have been living with neurological Lyme disease for 18 years. Five years ago I started antibiotic treatment which gave me a seizure and left me using forearm crutches to walk. I have been through several unsuccessful treatments since and I have been using a wheelchair for a year. I have been unable to leave my home for a year and have been confined to my bedroom for 6 months. It has been very hard to not to leave my home to participate in social and physical activities. Lyme disease has led me to embrace the Chinese saying that "One should not wish for an easy life but the courage to endure a tough life."The adversity of Lyme disease has allowed me to expand my energetic boundaries and elevate my consciousness to a higher level. I was no longer able to escape my thoughts and mind with work and activities and had a choice to dwell on the negative or to look deep within myself to improve my inner being. I choose to use my mind to cultivate my consciousness through reading, drawing, breathing, positive affirmations,and meditation.
Defeating Lyme Disease
When you expand your energetic boundaries it allows you to embrace the full spectrum of vibrant energy and gives you perspective on the preciousness of life. This expanded consciousness and energetic boundaries has been a true gift given to me by this illness. It has allowed me to heal many of my spiritual and emotional issues. With this gift I realized that it is crucial to keep your spirits and soul in a good place by channeling your energy into positive outlets. I put my energy into designing lyme warriors t-shirts and then a cartoon apparel company. This positive outlet has given me hope and let my spirit know that I am not giving up there is going to be better days head. When I do defeat lyme disease I will make it my purpose to raise awareness about the illness and show others how to keep their spirits high in hard times.