If somebody tells you that you can't do something but you can imagine you can - then don't believe them
Hi! I am Sebastian Magenheim, and I live in Munich (Germany). I am a professional Wheelchair Basketball Athlete and I play for the German National Team. When I was born, the doctors told my parents that I won't be able to walk or to handle life by myself. The diagnose: Spina Bifida. But later at the age of 2, I started to pull myself up and walked. I walked very bad and my school mates made jokes about my "Daffy-Duck-Walk." I felt bad and decided to train. I watched people walking in the park when I was 10 and developed my movements. I miss some muscles but I can compensate that and walk. For sports, I use a wheelchair because it is better for my stiff ankles. It is fun and a lot of abled body people play Wheelchair Basketball. I would like to tell you something: If somebody tells you that you can't do something but you can imagine you can - then don't believe them. I am two time Paralympian, I have two academic titles and I am brand ambassador for Mercedes-Benz. I love my life!