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Maria and Pete

Film Editor: Andrew Johnson

As an editor, working on ‘Maria and Pete’ has created a challenge and on the journey took me out of my comfort zone. I have cataloged material from Oren Sauerhaft (cinematographer), coordinated with Oren on the editing process, and storyboard with Oren on mapping out the material we already had.

ReelAbilities Film Festival

Leigh Silver (writer) helped us transcribe the material we needed in order to narrow down the material for our storyboard. Bren Bater helped assist us in the production in making it run much smoother. We went to locations such as Hartford, Connecticut and New Jersey to feature an inclusive Sunday church and a Pancake Factory dinner.

We featured our film to a focus group at the Freedom Tower. We were the standout film and everyone was impressed by our work. We presented our film at the ReelAbilities JCC Harlem along with other shorts on March 10th, 2018. We will continue our other projects to work on.

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I am an editor and I worked on 'Maria and Pete,' the winner of the "Film Your Story" competition in partnership with yoocan & AdaptLab Productions. We premiered our film at the ReelAbilities Film Festival: New York.





Andrew Johnson

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Maria and Pete

As an editor, working on ‘Maria and Pete’ has created a challenge and on the journey took me out of my comfort zone. I have cataloged materi
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