How The Unthinkable Became Reality
My name is Monique. I have a condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 3 (Brittle Bone Disease) which means I can break my bones just from sneezing. I guess I'm an unexpected model as you rarely see anyone like me in the media and this was never in my original life plan, but I am so grateful it happened. I work as an Administrative Assistant for a special needs school, I'm a lover of the arts as I am a Co-Founder and Director of the arts-based company, TripleC. I am both a National and International wheelchair dancer in ballroom and Latin. The crazy journey of me becoming a model all began when my dance teacher unknowingly sent Zebedee Management my information and the rest is history.
Unexpected Modeling with Zebedee Management
Modeling was never been in my plans, but it has been an amazing journey over the past year and few months from starting to feel more comfortable and confident in my own skin to having my first shoot in a swimsuit for Zebedee's Everybody Beautiful campaign to being a guest on BBC 5 Live Sista Collective Pod Cast, appearing in a couple of adverts and so much more. Some of my biggest achievements so far was doing a nude shoot with Murat Ozkasim and that portrait being selected within 200 images chosen and published in the Portrait of Britain Book & being on the cover of Grazia last year, which is still surreal.
My Modeling Success with Zebedee Management
Zebedee Management has created something amazing and unimaginable to most of the world, even recently I heard a professional say that the service that the agency provides is unheard of. People ask me sometimes what it's like being a model as they want to hear about the financial gain, glitz, and glam of it all. Honestly, as this was never in my plans, I genuinely don't do it for myself nor the assumed glitz and glam but for people who have never seen any representation of themselves in any form of the Media.
All of my achievements with Zebedee so far does not seem real at all. If it all ended tomorrow, I would just be proud to have helped so many of the lovely people that have messaged me on Instagram. I am so honored to have been part of the amazing movement of reflecting the true diversity of society in all forms of the Media, especially when it comes to disability as it seems to be missed on the list of diversity most of the time.