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Mirror, mirror on the wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Are you satisfied with what you see when you look in the mirror? When I look at myself I see SMA all over - I see it in my face, my body, everywhere - and to be honest, I don’t really mind 😊 SMA has always been a part of me so it’s only natural that you can see it when you look at me 😊 , Unfortunately, many people aren’t happy with what they see in the mirror and I really think that’s a shame. Maybe they find their butt too big, breasts too small, a nose too crooked or whatever. I’m not saying that I think my body is perfect but I fully accept it and when I look in the mirror before leaving my home I’m pleased with what I see 😊 Many people strive to get ‘the perfect body’ in hopes of getting to look like the models in the magazines or the influencers on social media. They will do anything from extreme workouts to surgeries to get it. Obviously, the workout isn’t possible for me - I will never be able to get toned or defined legs or arms and I don’t mind. I could pay for surgeries to get a breast or butt implant but why 🤔 I’d still look like the SMA woman I am, just with bigger whatever. Due to the fact that I’ve always known that I can’t change my body, I’ve spent more time learning to accept myself and my body than chasing society’s ideal of the perfect body. I think this has brought me to a place where I’m more at peace with my body than most people 😊 I won’t lie; obviously there are situations where I have insecurities about my body, but it’s not something that fills my mind. There’s no such thing as perfect, but if there was; it wouldn’t be my body. But I accept it just the way it is and I think that’s the most important thing 😊

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My name is Louise and I’m a 35-year-old Danish woman with muscular dystrophy, SMA2. Despite being dependent on help from my assistants I’m living the best life possible.






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Mirror, mirror on the wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Are you satisfied with what you see when you look in the mirror? When I look at myself I see SMA all over - I