Being Diagnosed With A Disability
Hi, my name is LaBrittany Knight. I am 23 years old and I have Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. Between the ages of 1 and 2, my mother and father noticed that I wasn’t reaching developmental milestones such as sitting up, crawling , or walking. They took me to an Orthopedic Doctor. It was then that I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. I wasn’t aware of the fact that I had a disability until about 5 years old. It was hard for me to accept the fact that I was different than the average child. Growing up I felt out of place most of the time.
Camp Dream Street: A Camp for Kids With Disabilities
Around the age of 10 years old, I started attending a camp for children with disabilities called Camp Dream Street. While I was there I participated in a lot of fun activities such as swimming, horseback riding and driving a car for the first time. Attending Camp Dream Street taught me how to become independent. It also taught me that you never know what you are capable of until you try. Camp Dream Street is an amazing place and it will always have a special place in my heart.
My Disability Does Not Define Me
When I started kindergarten, I was put in Special Education classes. I was taken out of those classes because the teachers told my parents that I was too smart. I was then put in regular classes so that I could get a regular diploma. Throughout my years in school I was an honor student. I graduated from high school with honors. At the age of 21 I enrolled in Hinds Community College where I excelled at my studies. I was on the Dean’s list and I graduated with honors and received my Associate of Arts Degree. The summer after my college graduation, I received my first job as an Orientation Leader at Hinds Community College. It was such a wonderful experience. I now attend Mississippi State University and I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology with a minor in Business. I also work for Barnes & Noble and I have three scholarships. I was blessed to make the Dean’s list at Mississippi State University as well.
God Helped Me Come To Terms With My Disability
Throughout my childhood, I would ask my parents why couldn’t I do certain things like the other children around me? They would tell me that my life would always be different because of my disability and to make the best of it. My heart was hard towards God for a long time because of my disability. I knew I wasn’t supposed to ask God why did I have a disability but I did over and over again. I now realize that everything happens for a reason and I am so thankful to have God in my life because without him none of this would be possible.
My Disability Is A Part Of Me But It Doesn’t Make Me Who I am
I love to travel to different places and try new things. In early 2015 I got a chance to participate in the Louisiana Half Marathon with an organization called Ainsley’s Angels where I was able to walk across the finish line with my amazing friends. In October I got the chance to go to Washington D.C. with my amazing best friend Destiny. I also get to travel a lot with my mother and family. My family and friends are absolutely amazing. I am so thankful that they support my dreams. My motto is: my disability does not define me. It is a part of me but it doesn’t make me who I am. The sky is the limit and I am going to keep following my dreams! Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed my story!