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My Disability Pride


Hi, my name is Tara. When I was 16, I was a passenger in a car accident that paralyzed me at T11/T12. In the beginning, I had no feeling or movement, but I wished that wasn’t the case. I missed walking to an extent, but I mostly just wanted to gain some sensation and movement back. And that’s what I got. I went from an ASIA A complete paraplegia diagnosis to an ASIA B sensory incomplete paraplegia diagnosis (although I also have some level of muscle control). I would’ve been content with a complete paraplegia diagnosis too, but that’s beside the point. I’m satisfied with where I am when it comes to ‘recovery.’ Walking isn’t important to me. What IS important to me is raising awareness for Spinal Cord Injury, limiting ableism by educating the public, and building a more accessible world. Walking is not better than rolling, and I love my wheelchair & disability! My wheelchair frees me, and I think it’s cute as hell! Ramps, curb cuts, grab bars, and elevators make cute accessories, don’t you think?

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Tara Shetterly

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My Disability Pride

Hi, my name is Tara. When I was 16, I was a passenger in a car accident that paralyzed me at T11/T12. In the beginning, I had no feeling or
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