Hi, my name is Gabrielle!
I am 33 years old and I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. The diagnosis is time-consuming and complex. Mine took over 20 years to close. Research requires medical interest, patience and resistance from patients, and understanding of those around us and this ends up being a very difficult part. When you are a child and feel the pain that makes you lose sleep, causes weakness, causes you to fall from your own legs, causes episodes of fever "for no reason", tiredness, fatigue, sadness and people still call you weak, it ends up making everything more difficult. I grew up taking medications that didn't work and having my credibility put on the line countless times. Many of my friends and family didn't believe what I said, even though my body showed it and my exams proved it. But it was never enough, even today for many it still isn't. And I learned that it doesn't matter so much. When you see someone using a walking aid (cane, wheelchair, etc.) every other day, don't assume they are trying to get benefits or attention.