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My Wheelchair was stolen by passengers

My Story

Hi, I'm Victoria. I am 25 years old and I am a graduate student at the University of Arizona. My physical disability is CP and on May 4th my custom manual wheelchair was stolen on the jet bridge at JFK while I was still on the plane. I was terrified, scared, and angry that a passenger would do that to me or anyone with a disability. American Airlines did not search the video footage looking for my chair when I asked them to and they tried to give me a walker as a loaner(I haven’t walked since I was 13)after I left the airport I just wanted the airline to buy me a new custom wheelchair but I had to wait 30 days to have them investigate it. As a person with a disability living without my chair is so difficult it takes away my independence and it’s my lifeline to the outside world. After hearing this, I reached out to many news stations in the New York area and they wanted me to tell my story. After I was on the news American Airlines was pushed to buy me a new wheelchair that is custom to me.

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My Wheelchair was stolen by passengers

Hi, I'm Victoria. I am 25 years old and I am a graduate student at the University of Arizona. My physical disability is CP and on May 4th my
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