1. If you could invent a tool or gadget for individuals with disabilities, what would it be and why?
A voice activated machine or robot that can pick you up if you fall and help you get back in your wheelchair. Because this is the one thing that I absolutely cannot do by myself.
2. What advice would you have for youth with disabilities?
Never give up on anything that you want to do.
3. If you had one wish what would be?
My wish would be to get my pilot’s license and fly my own plane.
4. What do you want your legacy to be?
I would like my legacy to be a person who advocates and cares about disability community. Also as person who overcame their own phenomenal hardships.
5. Who has been your biggest advocate or mentor? What things have they helped you with?
Kim Simms: Physical Therapist
Cindy Shelor: Has been like a second mother. She has provided spiritual and emotional support as an adult.
Mr. Wheeling and the PE Staff at Salem City Schools: Pushed me to develop and prefect physical abilities. They also created novel sports opportunities for me along with my physical therapist.