Our Boy
Noah Rabeh was born on 5/4/20. He was born 6 weeks early two weeks into the first covid 19 lockdown. I was in hospital on my own until the last possible second until dad arrived and he was allowed into the room with me while I had my c section. Noah had many complications when born and we later have found out Noah has got many life-changing medical problems that we will have to live with and overcome and he grows and his body changes. He currently has Cerebral palsy. Due to brain damage ( was born with 2 bleeds on the brain which has made his front left lobe smaller than the rest). The Middle section of his brain ( corpus callosum) is missing. Epilepsy (Infantile Spasms), Impaired Vision which we recently had diagnosed (sees lights and blurred shapes close to him). Unsafe swallow which has resulted in him having to have his NG tube placed back. Two holes in his heart(thankfully they are closing. Noah more than likely will never walk or talk .... BUT, he is here. And he is amazing, his smiles and giggles light a room up and we wouldn't have him any other way. He has definitely completed our family and we would be lost without him Noah also spends a lot of time making tiktoks with his big brother and his Dad which are cute and adorable at the same time.