A shift
My journey in a wheelchair began 3 years ago on January 26th, 2014 while enjoying a deep passion of mine. I was racing a winter motocross race in Boise, ID when I suffered a crash that would change my life forever. A bad trip over the handlebars would leave me with multiple injuries, a dislocated and shattered T12 vertebrae, damaging myspinal cord, a dilsocated hip and shoulder, 4 broken ribs, a punctured lung, and the head of my femur sheered off. All from a sport I have chased and enjoyed for 17 years(5 professionally). Outside of my family, Motocross(racing dirtbikes on a closed course offroad) was my first love, my true passion. However, I knew when it was taken away my passion would not end there.
new beggining
I knew in order to have a quality life it was important to take care of myself and keep as much strength as possible. It was this mission that led me to my next passion. I eventually found the world of CrossFit. I was able to accomplish 2 things here, build a functional strength that allows me to do things many in a wheel chair can't, and satisfy my internal need and desire to compete. I quickly found my place in the adaptive crossfit world and have continued to flourish and reach others with the idea of functional strength the launches us into a world outside of the wheel chair.