Space Method In the Netherlands
On February 20th, at the last minute, before the world shut down because of the Coronavirus, Petra and Twan rode a bicycle for the first time. I'm still excited by the happiness and joy of Petra (43) & Twan (17). Both are blind from birth, they live in the bicycle land (The Netherlands) and never rode a bicycle, because of their condition. They arrived for the pilot project to test the ‘Space’ method, which I developed to create a community of mentors who will join people with disabilities and help them ride a regular bicycle. During this process, a real friendship formed between us. The excitement I saw in their body language before and after, the smile on their faces and the desire to bring this happiness to more people stayed with me forever. And I’m still excited about the reactions I got. Local news reporters heard about the project and published a great story in The Netherlands. And we are thinking already of expanding, for every disability to get a mentor/friend for life.
Enjoy Your Day with Helth & Smile
Yossi Kat