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Snowboarding to Promote Cerebral Palsy

Skiing with Cerebral Palsy

During birth, I suffered a severe bleed in my cerebellum leading to my diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy. Doctors told my parents that I would never be able to walk or run like other kids. Defying the doctors, my parents refused to accept that I "would not walk". My dad, who was a big skier, along with my mom, opted to strap skis to my feet. Before I could walk and support myself, at age 1 my parents sent me down our snowy driveway on my first pair of skis. Since that day, I became hooked on snow sports.

Snowboarding with Cerebral Palsy

Around the age of 7, I convinced my parents to let me begin snowboarding. Snowboarding has been my favorite sport for 20 years now! At age 13, my ankles began caving inward to the point snowboarding actually hurt. Thanks to Shriners Hospital, I received an ankle reconstructive surgery. Snowboarding has taken me around the world, from California to Colorado, Canada to the glaciers of New Zealand and most recently to the US Snowboard and Freeski Nationals 2018. This past year I have competed to promote Cerebral Palsy awareness by snowboarding and winning 5 gold medals overall this past winter. I was honored to compete at the National level while promoting Cerebral Palsy awareness! YOOCAN truly do anything you dream.

Follow my journey on Instagram: @CerebralPalsyShredder

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I raise awareness for Cerebral Palsy by competing in the US Snowboard and Freeski Association. I am also a motivational speaker & blogger:



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Snowboarding to Promote Cerebral Palsy

During birth, I suffered a severe bleed in my cerebellum leading to my diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy. Doctors told my parents that I would nev