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This resulted in me losing all of my 10 fingers

Hi, my name is Mor Sapir and I'm 25 years old. On October 2014, I survived a snow storm and avalanche in the Annapurna ridge of the Himalaya Mountain in Nepal. Three of my expedition friends died there, and I had the luck to survive and come back. This resulted in me losing all of my 10 fingers in both of my hands due to snow freeze/burn injury when trying to save my own life in the snow.

I made a list of all the things I want to do, and started planning with my friends how to tackle each of these issues

This limb loss injury was very dramatic for a basketball player and bicycle rider like me…. After a long period of hospitalization and challenging rehabilitation, I started to search for assistance in trying to solve daily problems which there were no efficient solutions. I made a list of all the things I want to do, and started planning with my friends how to tackle each of these issues. This resulted in becoming a sort of inventor, that would end up not only helping me but others sharing the same limitations as well!

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