My One Legged Life
My name is Michaelrobbert or #MyOneLeggedLife. I have faced cancer three times in my 35 years. 1995, 1998 and 2001. As a result of this I had to have a full amputation of my right leg. The treatment I received and my long journey with this disease has made me who I am today. After 20 years of battling I have finally been given the all clear. I am cancer free and can live and function independently. I have been trying to find sports that are suitable for me for a long time. I eventually found this in obstacle running and Crossfit. For those who are unaware of obstacle running; it involves persuading a bunch of idiots to crawl through mud and clammer over obstacles on their day off. Yep, I am one of those idiots, the one legged version. I was recently invited to audition for the first series of the Dutch version of ‘Ninja Warrior’. This is a huge compliment for me as my obstacle abilities have been recognised and got selected for the Ninja Warrior Show. It will make me more determined than ever to succeed. And Crossfit? That is the second best thing that ever happend to me. I love the power, challenge and competition as an adaptive crossfitter. Since my participation in obstacle course racing and Crossfit, I have committed myself to raising awareness for cancer research and independency after revalidation. I am a proud member of the Dutch adaptive group; ‘Team No- Limits‘ who pride themselves on demonstrating strength and perseverance while facing obstacles. On June 2016 I climbed the highest mountain in the UK the "Ben Nevis" to raise awareness for cancer research and independency after revalidation. With hard work there are ‘No limits’. Read more about my Ben Nevis challenge www. Kind regards ! Michael Robbert Brans