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Wait and try, again and again

My first step to independence

My name is Marina. I'm 28 and I have SMA from childhood (spinal muscular atrophy). Disability doesn't hinder me from being happy and living life to the fullest. Before we moved to Russia, I lived in Moldova - a small country which was completely unaccessible for wheelchair users. I couldn't continue my education after high-school, and I couldn't even get an electric wheelchair. When I was about 20, I was very lucky to buy an old one from Germany. That was my first step to independence. My parents always told me that I will have everything I want, I just need to try again and again. I had many exhibitions in Moldova as an oil artist. Now I live in the beautiful city of Saint-Petersburg. I'm married to the best man! We travel a lot. I study Digital Design in the University. I make websites, mobile application design and graphic illustrations. I enjoy my life greatly. There were times when it was really hard to go forward, but I always knew that I needed to wait and try, again and again...

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Life on wheels in Russia!





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Wait and try, again and again

My name is Marina. I'm 28 and I have SMA from childhood (spinal muscular atrophy). Disability doesn't hinder me from being happy and living
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