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Weaknesses are strengths

Unique From Birth

I was born in 1989. I was unique from birth as I was born with Cerebral Palsy. The doctors did not give me much hope of living a “normal” life. They thought that I would never be able to walk or barely even sit up. However, I have accomplished a lot in my life with the help of my mother's stubbornness and refusal to give up. My mother always told me I was unique, valuable, and that I could do anything in my own way.

Nothing is impossible

In my adulthood, I was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism, which I’ve converted into two positive forces. Contrary to the doctors' diagnosis, I am able to walk short distances with assistance and/or with an aid. I am a personal trainer, nutritionist and aromatherapist. I have a Driver's license, run a kennel, and last summer jumped out of a parachute.

Life Goes On

Last spring, I was photographed in fancy underwear in a wheelchair. I was told that I am very photogenic and that I take powerful photos. I became famous overnight in both Sweden and international media. My images were everywhere! I really enjoyed the attention for being myself, and want to be a role model for others to not be afraid to show who they are.

Differences enrich people

Everyone is born with differences. According to the norms of society, everyone should be super slim models. Why can’t differences fit in the media? People should be themselves. I want to show that even with my disability, I have enormous potential and drive to make a difference in the world. Everyone should be proud of who they are.

I am available for interviews and lectures - please contact me via e-mail & follow me on Instagram: @frikraften

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Born with Cerebral Palsy. My weaknesses are my strengths. I want to inspire others to be themselves.





Moha Frikraft

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Weaknesses are strengths

I was born in 1989. I was unique from birth as I was born with Cerebral Palsy. The doctors did not give me much hope of living a “normal”