Dreams of Zoos
What does that mean, life without limits? Does anyone truly have that? Body limits, money limits, time limits… and so on. Do we all want that, life without limits or do we need those limits to keep from killing ourselves.
What are my limits, not even sure I know where my stopping point is. So with school/college I don’t think I have a stopping point there, I love to learn new things although I cried through the last math class I took so … maybe if I can’t study my way through it, I would toss in the towel. Body limits, that’s out of my control really, since my spinal cord injury and seizures but I press my limits there too. I teach had to hand combative, I got a tattoo this year, and I made some wheelchair work out videos with the University of Kentucky. Money limits isn’t that a funny one, $735 a month to live on and $120 in food stamps. That gives me $4 dollars a day to eat on. $630 for rent …. And over $100 dollars in utilities so I have learned to joggle. Time, we could all use more time, I want time where I am not tired. I want time where everything is at peaceful.
If money was unlimited, I would totally build a zoo and camp accessible for everyone. Here is the idea, a giant zoo for animals that need rehab, have been injured, or need special breeding. Around the animal park there will be cabins in strategic places, these cabins will be wheelchair friendly and will allow for people to listen to the animals at night, something most have never experienced. I have thought this out so much that I know who will be working what areas of the zoo. I would allow cabin renters to experience the zoo by it becoming interactive. They will attend a class about animal safety and how the animals need help, after that they will go with a zoo keeper for which ever animal they choose and get to assist the keeper; with cleaning out the pen, feeding, and play time. It would be a place where people learn that they can overcome bad days, smile, and help life in a new way.
I don’t know about the time limits, I kind of like to organize when things need to be done. And along with time I would make people I love live at least one day past the day I die so I never have to be without them. So if you live to be 100, I want to live to be 99.
If I had no body limits, well that would be scary cause I am an adrenaline junky God only knows what I would be doing: maybe becoming a trapeze artist, an elephant trainer, a clown wait a minute everything I can think of is in the circus. Funny short story, I once ran away with a traveling carnival and so did my best friend. I didn’t stay long but she was there a few years. Sometimes you just have to sow your oats at the fairgrounds.
What are your limits in life? How can you change them? What would you do without them?