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What's In a Name?

Hasn't been all easy...

We spent 55 days in NICU, and another 15 in PICU when she was 7 months old when her shunt failed, and its replacement failed. She had her back closure surgery and first shunt at 4 hours old, laminectomy surgery at 14 days old, and tethered cord surgery at 23 months. And lots and lots of therapy. She developed and worked through extreme medical anxiety.

But through it all...

Her personality has always shone through. That's not to say that there haven't been tears, or frustration, or even anger. She is, after all, a child learning about and working through her emotions...emotions which are normal. But her default, when she's not intently reading or drawing, is what you see in these pictures.

But back to the question...

What's in a name? In her case, the name we chose well before her birth had deep meaning and hope attached to it. Her first name is Evanna, a feminine version of the name Evan, which from Gaelic means young fighter/warrior. And her middle name? Joy. No two names could fit her better.

To follow her story more...

You can find her FB Community Group at search Evanna's Joy on FB), and she happens to find her way onto my IGquite often. 😂

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What's In a Name?

We spent 55 days in NICU, and another 15 in PICU when she was 7 months old when her shunt failed, and its replacement failed. She had her ba
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